
These databases are free resources so we are able to post the username and passwords online.

  • Digital Public Library of America - images, texts, videos, and sounds from across the USA
  • Username: pwcschools
  • Password: research
  • Find It Virginia Database Logo Find It Virginia - products and digital reading content (text and audio)
  • Username: VAlib
  • Password: Read1!

Since Marsteller MS pays to access the following databases, we are unable to post the usernames and passwords online.

This information is located in the Library Canvas page under "Databases"

  • Gale - biographical information on more than one million people
  • Britannica - encyclopedia articles, multimedia, primary sources, games
  • Britannica Image Quest - brings lesson plans, assignments and projects to life with over three million images from 62 leading collections…and growing.
  • World Book - contains thousands of informational articles with stunning illustrations, videos, interactive maps, research help, and activities.