Updated Activity Bus Schedule
Please tap or click to view the Activity Bus Schedule (PDF).
Student Reminder
Students are reminded to use the sidewalks when walking to and from school. Please do not cut through private yards in an attempt to shorten your walk. For safety purposes, use the designated sidewalks.
Skateboarding is prohibited on school property.
Was Your Student Absent from School?
If your student is absent, please submit any absences in ParentVUE for the current day. If the absence has already passed, send an email to [email protected] to report your student's absence. The absence email should include your student's full name, grade, date(s) of the absence(s), the reason for the absence, parent name, and a good contact phone number. Parents have up to five school days to verify a school absence before the absence becomes unexcused. If you are unable to send an email, you may fax your child's absence note to 571-719-2400 or send in a note to the front office including the information requested above.
Keep in mind that pre-arranged absences should, when possible, be submitted at least 5 days prior to the absence. Please refer to Reg 724-1 for an explanation of what is considered Excused Absences and more detailed information regarding Attendance Policies.
Before and After School Safety
For the students who walk to and from school, the crossing guards have asked us to remind you to listen carefully at the cross walk. They will say the word "CROSS" which will let you know that it is safe to cross.
Bike Helmets Required
For those students who ride a bike to school, the Code of Virginia, as well as local ordinances, requires a protective helmet to be worn by every person below the age of 15. If you are riding a bike to school, you are required to wear a helmet.
No Skateboards on Busses
Attention all skateboarders - Skateboards are no longer allowed on buses. They are difficult to secure, which makes them a safety issue.
Student Links
- Canvas LMS
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- Parent Support (web-based user guides)
- Parent Pairing Code (PDF guide)
- Parent Pairing Code for iPads
- Canvas Observer Introduction (YouTube)
- PWCS Continuous Learning Page (Zoom & Canvas Information by PWCS)
- MSMS Web links
- ParentVUE & StudentVUE
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PWCS Information
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