For Parents

George Mason EIP Information

The Early Identification Program (EIP) at George Mason University is now accepting nominations of current 7th grade students for their college access program. EIP supports the academic achievement of selected first generation college bound middle/high school students and helps to provide supports needed for higher education goals. Please see the criteria below, and if you would like to nominate your student for consideration, complete the attached form to help us nominate deserving students for this opportunity.

Student Nomination Criteria

Mandatory Criteria:

  • Current 7th grade student in participating public middle school
  • The student's parents may not have completed a 4-year college degree in the United States
  • Academic potential to enroll in a pre-college curriculum in high school
Additional Considerations:
  • Academic potential
  • Eligible for free or reduced lunch
  • Single parent household
  • English Language Learner
  • A ward of the court, in foster care, or students who are homeless Student nomination is the first step in the program application process.
Program Requirements:
  • Mandatory attendance at specified activities
  • Parent/guardian participation in Strengthening The Family workshop
  • Maintain high academic performance and standards
  • Attend weekly tutoring sessions

Students who successfully complete EIP-PREP program will transition to the high school component of the program (EIP) and attend the 2022 Summer Academy.

For more information, please go to the GMU's EIP website. or contact one of the Marsteller School Counselors.

Social Media Confusing?

PWC Office of Student Services has developed a website for parents, teachers and students to get more information on the issues with Social Media in our lives today.

Helping Children Cope with Natural Disasters

While thankfully Prince William County was spared much of the serious damage from Hurricane Sandy, others around us were not so fortunate. With the continuous news coverage on TV, radio and internet, children are exposed to much of the damage left by the storm. Some things that parents can do to help their children deal with these events are:

  • Try and keep routines as normal as possible. Kids gain security from the predictability of routine, including attending school.
  • Limit exposure to television and the news.
  • Be honest with kids and share with them as much information as they are developmentally able to handle.
  • Listen to kids' fears and concerns.
  • Reassure kids that the world is a good place to be, but sometimes bad things happen.
  • Parents and adults need to first deal with and assess their own responses to crisis and stress.
  • Rebuild and reaffirm attachments and relationships.

For more resources and information, see the folder below entitled "Helping Children Cope With Natural Disasters" Please don't hesitate to contact your child's School Counselor for more information.

Support for Students for Homes lost to Foreclosure

If your family owned its home and lost it to foreclosure, or if you family was renting and the landlord lost it to foreclosure, and you are now living in a temporary situation, your school aged children may qualify for certain rights and protections under the McKinney-Vento Act. For more information, contact your child's school counselor or call National Center for Homelessness Education 1.800.308.2145.

Point of Hope Camp

A fun and therapeutic weekend retreat for children, teens, and adults who have recently lost a loved one. This camp helps campers of all ages work through their grief and develop skills to cope with their loss. For more information, see the complete flier in the "Summer Programs" section.

Resources for you

PWCS Office of Student Services

Information available on Academic and Career Plan, Social Media tips, Military Connected Support, Transition to High School, and a wealth of other programs available to your child!

Mental Health Resources