Boys Basketball - Junior Varsity

Boys Basketball - Junior Varsity

Team Announcements

Parents, we will be having an informational meeting on Thursday, November 21st at 4:30 pm in the gymnasium.  Please enter through Door #2 on the side of the building.

Team Selection

Congratulations to the student athletes on the final roster below:

  • 6th Grade - DiBenedetto, Mason
  • 6th Grade - Dike, Solomon
  • 6th Grade - Laster, Makai
  • 6th Grade - Ortiz Letona, Gabriel
  • 7th Grade - Ashley, Tyler
  • 7th Grade - Clark, Elijah
  • 7th Grade - Hall, Jackson
  • 7th Grade - Harden, Russell
  • 7th Grade - Hooker, Jordon
  • 7th Grade - Jackson, Makell
  • 7th Grade - Johnson, Joshua
  • 7th Grade - Warren, Cameron

Team Schedule

  • Monday 11/25 vs. Gainesville
  • Wednesday 12/4 @ Nokesville
  • Thursday 12/5 vs. Bull Run
  • Monday 12/9 @ Reagan
  • Wednesday 12/11 @ Metz
  • Monday 12/16 vs. Unity Braxton
  • Wednesday 1/8 @ Gainesville
  • Thursday 1/9 vs.  Nokesville
  • Monday 1/13 @ Bull Run
  • Wednesday 1/15 vs. Reagan

 Picture of Coach Bye

Coach: Mr. Bye [email protected]

Mr. Bye has been coaching since he began his career with Prince William County Public Schools in 2005.  He has coached basketball at Beville MS, Hampton MS, and Potomac Shores MS during his tenure. The following, while not all-inclusive, will be his primary focus for the Marsteller JV Basketball Team:

  •  Teach our players the RULES of basketball. Make sure they know all the various calls which can happen in a game.
  •  Teach our players HOW to play the game. Basketball is a skill game, a players game, but also an analytical game. Help our players see what can happen.
  •  Teach our players to ENJOY the game. Make the time they are with us the best part of their day.
  •  Teach our players to be AGGRESSIVE and TOUGH, our players should be confident they have been prepared to handle all situations which arise.
  •  Develop GUARDS who can be coaches on the floor, who can think quickly, and direct our offense.
  •  Give our players the skill and knowledge to play MAN-TO-MAN DEFENSE. Make sure they can cover one-on-one, defend the post, and anticipate, read, and react on the court.
  •  Make our players comfortable to RUN when we have the ball. It is necessary to be able to play a variety of speeds, make sure FAST is one of them.
  •  Teach our players to use the FULL COURT. The time will come when a pressing defense is needed, as well as a press offense. Prepare early and often, heads up, eyes deep.
  •  Develop SHOOTERS!