Did you know that there are 31 different nationalities in Marsteller?
That means 31 different kinds of foods, cultures, and music.
Would you like to share about your traditions and learn about others?
Then you are in the right place, we strive to show the diversity in our community and celebrate our cultures!
This club will start on Tuesday, September 10 (Interest Meeting) and we will continue meeting the 2nd Tuesday of every month. Please signup for Marsteller's International Club using this form.
We welcome 6th, 7th and 8th graders from 3:00 to 4:45 pm.
As a group, we will explore cultures, represent them with a traditional meal, and host a special guest to share about his/her knowledge.
Also, we will do an annual field trip that exposes our members to a cultural experience (on a Saturday, at the begginning of May).
Additionally, our club oversees planning our annual “Marsteller’s Heritage Night” that will take place on Friday, April 4th. Please view the poster for more information.